Periscope Corporation (Periscope) is excited to be working closely with The Tipping Foundation (Tipping) and the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (the Department) in finalising the testing of data exchange, via an API (Application Programming Interface), between Periscope’s incident management system and the Department’s Client Incident Management System (CIMS).
Periscope acknowledges the progressive approach adopted by the Department in maintaining a central incident management system, while allowing service providers to leverage their existing in-house or cloud-based applications to exchange data. The full implementation of CIMS is expected to occur from 15 January 2018 onwards.
Tipping has redesigned its existing Periscope incident management system to ensure that its requirements continue to be met, while also satisfying the Department requirements. This redesign has enabled Tipping to address a broader scope than CIMS (e.g staff and client incidents in one system) that maximises organisational benefits. It is expected that the certification of the testing will be completed soon.
Periscope is an Australian owned and operated organisation that provides health service applications to government, not-for-profit service providers and regulators. Organisations requiring client incident management systems, particularly with an interface with CIMS can contact Periscope now by selecting Contact Us.
Further details of CIMS can be found by selecting the following link: