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Our Australian-based team can help you plan, configure and scale your Periscope applications

Business Rule Definition and Stakeholder Analysis

We'll work with you to convert your processes to an automated workflow, identifying your user groups and their information needs.
Application Configuration

We'll help you rapidly configure and deploy your custom business tools.
Configuration Testing

Take advantage of sandbox environments
to road test your configurations.
When you're ready to launch, Periscope's import tools can seamlessly transfer your test configuration to the live environment.
Data Migration

Kick-start your confirming by importing data from spreadsheets, or configure an API to seamlessly intake data from another system.
Periscope's built to embrace change.
Quickly adapt your business tools as policy requirements change.

Periscope is designed with flexibility at its core. Our agile implementation approach allows changes to be rapidly configured, tested and deployed.
Adjust data capture requirements, escalations or notifications quickly and cost effectively.
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